ABAKAL, Engineering Solutions Teléfono: +34 91 873 28 60 info@abakal.com

Hydraulic Engineering

Hydraulic Engineering

Hydraulic Engineering

Water Pumping

Abakal provides a vastly experienced water engineering department involved in the preparation of reports, projects, calculations and operational simulations of: spillway, water intakes, pressure pipes, valves, turbines, drainage channels, etc.

Water Supply Networks

Abakal designs water supply networks taking into account the most important parameters for the client: design optimization to reduce installation and maintenance costs, dynamic calculation of flow, control of reagents dispersion and reduction of energy consumption in pumping operations.

Sewage Network

Abakal offers an optimal design of sewage networks using the most advanced software and minimizing investment costs while dealing with short deadlines to deliver solutions.

Flood risk assessments and emergency plans

Among the wide range of services offered, Abakal provides flood studies due to the breakage of dams or retention basins.

The identification and delimitation of those areas with greatest failure potential, the flow rates estimation, the velocities and water levels reached, as well as the calculation of breakthrough time of water are essential data when assessing the damages that the collapse of a dam or a basin might cause. In the same time all essential information is collected to define an efficient emergency plan.

In addition to this, Abakal designs and estimates the implementation of the protection measures required.

Quality System and Environmental Management

The Integrated Quality System and Environmental Management of ABAKAL, based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2015 is applied to the following activities:

  • Project development and engineering studies.
  • Construction management and engineering assistance.

These activities are carried out in our central headquarters in Arganda del Rey (Madrid), C / Carrera Toledana # 33

Quality System and Environmental Management

The Integrated Quality System and Environmental Management of ABAKAL, based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2015 is applied to the following activities:

  • Project development and engineering studies.
  • Construction management and engineering assistance.

These activities are carried out in our central headquarters in Arganda del Rey (Madrid), C / Carrera Toledana # 33